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blog | Toshihiko SHIBUYA - 澁谷俊彦 (渋谷俊彦)

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香港日記 Hong Kong Dairy
?First Day: December 1

I arrived at the hotel in Hong Kong at 1:00 a.m. on the 2nd. The traveling time to Hong Kong from Sapporo was about 11 hours.


It was raining heavily in Hong Kong. The taxies in Hong Kong drove violently. The drivers did not use signal lights. The driving of the taxies on the midnight expressway was like a car chase.香港は雨。ホテルまでのタクシーはかなり運転が荒い。ウィンカーはまず出さない。深夜の高速道路はまるでカーチェイス。

2nd Day: December 2

The next morning, I ate a sandwich in the park near the hotel.? I bought a sandwich at a “7-11”convenience store.

I watched the people jogging by and doing Tai chi. Older men sitting down next to me ate oranges while talking with big voices.


I went to the Oasis Avenue Gallery in Central in the morning. My works and those of others were there. 午前中に展覧会場である「中環」セントラルのオアシスギャラリーに行く。ここには「北海道クリエイティブ」の作家の作品が展示してある。


Several people were interested in my “White Butterfly”, and there were inquiries regarding how much it was.? Already an email has been sent to me two days ago. His name is Jason Apolinario. He is Operations Manager.

?I am very happy to receive for this proposal.But I think that I need to confer in this case with my home gallery, SHIFT.


We went to the Former Wan Chai Police Station for the presentation at noon. It was the main location of the exhibition. Suddenly the location of the presentation was changed to a balcony from a bandstand, because of heavy rain. We felt sad that the organizer did not have enough preparedness.


Luckily, a supporter of SHIFT who is Hong Kong resident, simultaneously interpreted to the audience for me.  しかし、幸運なことに香港在住のSHIFTのスタッフの女性が同時通訳をしてくれることになり、大いに助かりました。彼女への感謝の気持ちは忘れません。

Ryohei Wabi Kudo said to me “It was perfect!” I did my best.?


Then I took a souvenir picture with audience members.After the talk show, I met Jason.? He asked us. Can you give a discount? ?I don’t concern myself with these business affairs.

The latter half of the 2nd Day after the talk show was my free time!

In my life in Sapporo I go to work by streetcar. Therefore I am very interested in foreign streetcars ,the double-decker streetcars are very interesting.


By the way, I ate dumpling noodles three times at cheap restaurants. I think that dumplings, with their unique seasoning, sauce, vinegar and spice are very delicious. 遅い昼食は屋台のような大衆食堂で 肉団子(ワンタンのような、もっと丸くてボリュームあり)麺を食す。これが美味しくて、滞在中3回食べましたね。お好み調味料も日本ではない味でなかなかおいしい)

I took a walk through an antique shops street in the evening alone.


I did not go to famous restaurants. I had dinner at cheap restaurants in the back alleys where tourists don’t go, on my last night.
I got very confused as soon as I was going to order.
A What kind of dish has been brought?? It was mystery.
ll the menus were in Chinese with no in English, no photograph. I ordered randomly.メニューには英語表記もないし、壁には料理の写真も貼ってないので、ひたすら漢字の羅列から推測して注文。出てきた料理はラーメンどんぶり山盛りの中国粥で豚ひき肉とエビが入っている。仕方なくもう1品注文。間違いなく鶏のから揚げ的なものを注文。1個で26ドル。2個で27ドル。6個で28ドル。どう考えても計算が合わないが、ここは2個を注文。結果は手羽先のから揚げ(素揚げに近い)が2個出てきた。野菜料理はメニューからは判断出来なかった。

Now, the people are living in a region where chaos, the past and the future exist at any time.? This is my impression of walking in Hong Kong.
I enjoyed deep HongKong.
